Friday, February 24, 2006
Gertrude Stein's "Rose is a Rose..."
Cunning linguist that Gertrude was,
And, as well, a master debater,
Rose was, I think, the name of a girl
Gertrude loved with her cunning tongue;
And rose was the color, the shape
Of her pussy when Gertrude ate her.
Rose, I think, was a girl who was sweet
And plump and roseate,
And a pink rose slowly opening
Was her pussy that Gertrude ate.
Get your nose right in there, Trude,
Inhale the musk that beauty, youth exude!
"Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."
This Rose was perhaps more than we suppose.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
forgot to tell you of barbie's dilemma
by michael dennis mooney
a few years ago
barbie broke up with ken
this was arranged by mattel's
department of stupid publicity
to stir-up sales
kids would need to buy more dolls
they'd need a ken doll
for barbie to break-up with
they'd need blaine,
an austrarlian surfer doll
in shorts and tank top,
for her to hook-up with
these men in her life,
they were "accessories",
just as were her shoes,
gowns, handbags, her pink mustang
but now ken is back
and he has his own
stupid promotions department
he looks like he's had a little work done,
a straighter, smaller nose, a firmer jaw line
word is he's been bumming around europe, broadening his
experience of life, becoming a lot deeper, and saner
he's been studying buddhism, staying in the moment, not
rushing anything, not anticipating the future
and he's learned to cook, the man can take care of himself
he's looking good, he wears cargo pants and a black leather jacket,
this rugged but sensitive thing is a good look for him
barbie's different, too
seventies hair is back, she has long straight gold-blonde hair
down to her mid-back, also long bangs, very girlish and flirty
her hair's straight as a broom but glossy and well-conditioned as her
barbie is going to have to break-up with blaine, for sure