Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Uses For Your Duct Tape

"If the Egyptians had had duct tape,
the Sphinx would still have a nose."
-- Garrison Keillor

This stuff is so versatile and useful.
Think of the things you could do with it,
While young George is out back attacking beehives
With his brand new baseball bat.

Okay, let's see? Our heating and a/c ducts,
Per se, are intact. There is a hole
In the back door screen -- Cousin George, too,
With his fishing lure. He's a terror, that boy.

A little bit of tape on the tear here
Will keep out a few bees.
And when Georgie gets his brand new bat broken
We can patch together his toy good as ever.

Right under where it says Louisville Slugger
Burned into the label, right under where the wood
Splinters like a man at arms gravely injured,
We can smoothly wrap and wind the silvery stuff.

Now, there, it's like it was never busted.
All is made whole. Don't worry, George.

-a poem by Michael Dennis Mooney

[March 2003]

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