Thursday, March 09, 2006
young michael and his gallantry
by michael dennis mooney
thanks for forwarding some of the"flavor" of what's going on withthe fob's and the eod's[forward operations bases andexplosive ordinace detonations, no?]i love young michael's gallantry:they picked up a "few things"[nearly a ton of ordinance]-- like they were out shopping? --and had a pretty good day on the j-o-b, etci'm going to send those guysthe sports illustrated swimsuitissue, after carefully reviewing itfor appropriateness, as is mycivic responsibility; hmm, this couldtake a while; maria sharapova, fey,sweet tennis goddess, is right here,in this good readin' book,lying in the sand, in a special s. i. feature, um,spread; i might better get an extra issuefor the guys in baghdad##i read with interest your note that dean cancarry concealed in 50 states after trainingwith the 9 mm pistol; hey, he could work in baghdad, too,providing security for the corporate contractors;it wouldn't be much like a nice peaceful retirement,but he could probably make tons of money, enoughto have you there with him in the hilton as his re-load moll,hot in a bronze colored dress, blonde "do," and bare feet-- the girl hates shoes, they say --or just plain hot as the air conditioning fails againand there's nothin but deep space nine reruns on the tellyto relieve the bombarbment of facts from cnnmy guess is dean enjoys keeping currentwith the technology of police work,'cause after all he's a technology buff;and pistol use is a sport, a recreation, too[my mother, when in her seventies, could not get overhow computers were completely replacingall the older technologies of secretarial work,especially the typewriterand the steno pad; so, as an ex-exec sec,sexy and high-tech, she just had to get a computer,though she had little need for one(eventually she gave a couple computers away)she had to see what it was all about; now, god bless her,she wants a laptop and a chrysler lebaron convertible,-- is she cruising the coffee bars? --and she'll be 84 in september; hope i'm so long-lived,i want to get all my fica contributions back,one pittance at a time, just out of general spitetowards the federal taxation authorities.]##have much fun on your journey to georgia,the northern wildsbring an l. l. bean quilted parka, for sure##you closed with "stay warm"we are having a global warming winter,or an el nino one, which might be moreaccuweather accuratewe have had no snow, none, in february, green grass;nor in march;tommorow we're supposedto have a rather balmy 50-plus day:i'm determined to be out on the court tommorow,practicing a nine-fingered two-hander on the left-hand side-- the one achy-breakyfinger left off the grip -- and i'll try a lefty serve;i used to be able to pitch leftywhen my dad and i'd play pitch and catch,and i still can when jack and i throw the ballmost important sign of spring:the guy who operates the tastee freeze hereis cranking up his machinery todayand cooking a humongous pot of chili[for the chili dogs, you know]he's opening officially tommorow,though he'll serve you today, 'cause the machineshave to be crankin' anyhow, and it's a good chili day,blustery and wet; i've got a heckuva cold that's settling in,starting some nasty chest congestion(i usually don't get that);so i'm breaking out the mucinex and sudafed,and i'm ON DRUGSbut you could tell that from the run-on sentencesand the loose associations
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